
Today’s website allows you to download software for free off of the internet no hitches. It has open source code so you can edit it and make it your own.3.4 million developers create powerful software in over 324,000 projects.There are more than 46 million consumers  and has 4,000,000 downloads a day.

Be careful because 6-7 days ago a copy website came up which gave you malware.


Today’s website makes it simple to create games ,stories and animations compared to normal programming language (html or java).Scratch is suited for mainly the younger generation so is a good choice for teaching I.C.T.On the website you can play the games that others have made but you will need to download the software if you want to make one yourself.It is really easy to use once you have had a mess around with it.

My rating is 4 out of 5 because despite it is really easy you still need to download the software which could be irritating for people with little space on their computer.
